Welcome to The Latest Updates
October 7, 2024
As promised TWA Paris website is back! I had to find a free host to realize this project! It was not easy I’m getting old! This new site is different… each page is in English followed by the translation in French (thanks Google) for info the “STORY” page will be only in English. In the next weeks I think I will add new pages! good reading… have a good weekend .marc
Click on the following link https://gratuit-5544023.webadorsite.com/
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September 20, 2024
Frank D. Rodriguez of Lebanon, CT, passed away Sunday while doing what he loves: flying.
Born on November 16, 1935, in New York City to Spanish immigrants who came to the U.S. in search of a better life, Frank achieved the American dream through hard work, perseverance, and fearlessness. From a young age, he was fascinated with flying. In high school, he delivered newspapers to pay for flying lessons and earned his pilot’s license before learning to drive a car. He sought out adventure joining the U.S. Air Force in the early Cold War to fly fighter jets, including the F-100 and F-105, protecting the homeland and keeping the Soviets at bay in the skies over Europe. After ten years of serving his country, he joined the airlines flying for TWA where he piloted the queen of skies, the 747. He continued flying professionally and recreationally for the rest of his life.
While stationed in Germany, Frank became interested in farming after seeing the idyllic farmlands and visiting an exhibit at his favorite museum, the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
In 1971, having no idea what he was getting into, the city slicker bought a farm in Lebanon, CT. He named it Monux after the village in Spain where his parents were from. With his gregarious personality, he quickly embedded himself in the local community, making many friends at the Log Cabin. He took to haying, digging ponds, caring for animals, chopping down trees, and burning brush.
At the young age of 45, he embarked on a new adventure of raising a family on the farm with his wife Mary. He gave his family all the opportunities in the world and drove them crazy every day.
He is survived by his loving wife, Mary Rodriguez of Lebanon, CT; his stepson, Don Marino of Atlanta, GA; and his daughter Robyn Rodriguez and son-in-law Roger Duda of Kailua, HI.
A celebration of life for Frank will be held at the Log Cabin in Lebanon on his birthday, November 16, from noon to 4pm, where friends and family can have a beer on him.
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation on Frank’s behalf to the New England Air Museum (https://neam.org/pages/donation-page) or the Lebanon Senior Center.
New England Air Museum Lebanon Senior Center
36 Perimeter Road 22 Imogene Lane
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Lebanon, CT 06249
Click here to Send Flowers to the family of Frank.
August 17, 2024
MetLife Life Insurance for TWA Retired Pilots
I continue to get questions or requests for advice on the TWA Retired Pilots Life Insurance. I have discussed this issue in the past and I believe a re-visit to the subject is warranted in order to reach those survivors and beneficiaries who may not be aware of this benefit available to them. By way of a little background, when American Airlines purchased the assets of TWA in the 2001 bankruptcy settlement, the agreement included, among others, the TWA Pilot Retiree Benefits. At that time, the benefit was a $50,000 Term Life Insurance Policy for every retired TWA Pilot. This benefit was and is available ONLY to Pilots who retired from TWA. The $50,000 was the initial benefit upon retirement to be reduced by $5,000 per year until reaching a MINIMUM of $20,000 payable upon death of the Retired Pilot. If you retired before the American acquisition, you would be eligible.
As of this date, all TWA Pilots who retired from TWA prior to the American acquisition, would now have a $20,000(minimum)Term Life Insurance Benefit.
After contacting American Airlines Benefits you should receive a claim package from AMR including a claim form for METLIFE Life Insurance. Your METLIFE claim form has benefit payment choices for the beneficiaries. One of those choices is MetLife’s default payment choice of a TCA or TOTAL CONTROL ACCOUNT where you will receive an initial payment of $5,000 and a Interest Bearing Checking Account with the remaining balance of your benefit, $15,000. If you fail to elect one of the available choices, you will be, by default, receiving the TCA (Total Control Account) choice.
Several of our Pilot’s survivors have received erroneous information when contacting METLIFE. Make sure they understand that you are filing a claim for a TWA RETIRED PILOT. MetLife also administers other TWA Employee Groups Retirement Insurance Policies which have different benefits than ours, so be sure they understand what group you are referring to.
We have, in the past, advised our Pilots to request a letter of benefits from METLIFE. This can be used as proof of coverage when you file your claim. Just call or write to METLIFE with your request.
I have said it before and will advise you again, download the FLOWN WEST SURVIVOR’S Checklist, which is available on the www.tarpa.com website under MEMBERS menu. This checklist has a wealth of useful information for you or your survivors/beneficiaries.
Based on some stories I have been told by widows or beneficiaries, there have been cases where the named beneficiary was NOT the spouse, and the spouse was NOT aware of this. One policy owner had advanced dementia and had made a change in his beneficiaries without his spouses’ knowledge.
For further information or queries: Email: webmaster@tarpa.com
April 16, 2024
F/E Howard Jespersen Obituary
Full Name: Howard Duane Jespersen
Date of Death: Monday, March 18, 2024
Howard D. Jespersen
Marine veteran, Flight Engineer, Longtime Morristown resident.
Howard, 98, passed away Monday, March 18, 2024 at Cranes Mill, in West Caldwell New Jersey.
Born in Spencer, Iowa and graduated from Spencer High School.
Howard served In the Marine Corp during WWII. He was part of the occupation forces in Japan, after they dropped the bomb on Nagasaki. After service he attended an automotive and diesel course at Chicago Motive trades. He went to school part time and worked at Skokie Valley Ice Cream store part time. It was at Skokie where he met the love of his life, Lorraine. They were married for 68 years until her death in 2016.
After diesel school, Howard attended Spartan aviation school. He worked for TWA in Kansas City in the overhaul base. He was offered a job as Flight engineer at JFK Queens New York. He flew international and domestic flights, his favorite equipment being the 747. He joined the training department at Kennedy airport to train FE’s on the simulator also doing the line check of engineers.
Howard was a boy scout leader when he first moved to New Jersey.
Howard and Lorraine were long time members of Trinity Lutheran Church of Morris Plains.
They became members of Somerset Hills in Basking Ridge and finally Calvary Lutheran in Verona, New Jersey.
Always active, Howard loved his garden of which many friends and neighbors enjoyed his vegetables. He was well known for his humor, easy smile and kindness.
Howard is survived by his four daughters Joan (Joe) Alfaro, Franklin, TN, Sandra (George) Fake, Rockaway, NJ, Sue Ann (Paul) Sommo, New Providence, NJ, Carol (Kevin) Ike, Landing NJ. His grandchildren Duane Thomas and Emma Ike. His sister in laws, Jean Schwanebeck and Loretta Ward. His many nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be announced at a later time.
To plant trees in memory, please visit the Sympathy Store.
March 28, 2024
Gerard M. Costa obituary
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Gerard “Gerry” Costa. Born April 1, 1943, to Gloria and Salvator Costa, Gerry left us too soon on March 24, 2024. He was a devoted father, a loving husband, and a principled man, never pretentious. Gerry was a graduate of Forest Hills High School, Queens, NY, in 1960.
Gerry joined the Navy in 1961 and served until 1964. His love for the skies led him to earn his pilot’s license in 1966, and he joined Trans World Airlines (TWA) the same year. In May 1985, Gerry was promoted to Captain followed by a promotion to Check Captain in 1988. Throughout his career, he served with several airlines, including All Nippon Airways (1992), EVA Air (1995), and Hokkaido International Airlines (1999). He lived in Asia for 12 years, based in Tokyo, Taipei and Kamakura. Gerry was a highly regarded commercial airline pilot and instructor on the B-767, amassing friends all over the world. After retirement in 2012, Gerry and Helga moved to Hilton Head Island, SC.
Gerry married Helga Costa, in 1968. The couple had two daughters Danielle and Lisa Costa, and granddaughters, Émilie Costa-Dumont and Natalie Costa-Looney. His brother, Steven Costa, survives him.
He was passionate about food, and a very talented chef of world cuisine. He traveled the world, and had flown to countries in every continent, and he loved photography and aviation. He enjoyed softball and bicycling, and tennis and skiing when he was younger. Gerry’s charisma was evident in his conventional sophistication – he had the ability to have a conversation with anyone.
February 3, 2024
Celebration of Life for Harry Farnham will be held on Saturday, February 24, 2024 from 12 PM- 2 PM,
at the Farnham family home, located at 86 Via Santa Maria, San Clemente, CA, 92672.
ASAP, to help with food and refreshments order, kindly RSVP to jrobbie@cox.net or (949) 495-6953.
December 28, 2023
The FLOWN WEST PAGE is now up to date as of today.
December 22, 2023
I received the following from Nancy Trumpolt, wife of Capt, Robert H. Trumpolt who passed away on December 14, 2023.
In Memory of Robert H. Trumpolt November 13, 1934 to December 14, 2023
First plane ride at age twelve, Bob’s lifelong love affair with aviation began. C.A.P. cadet, airport line boy age 15, trading seven month’s work for five and a half hrs. of flight instruction, soloing a Taylor Craft in 1950, having just turned sixteen. Age seventeen, he scraped together one hundred fifty dollars and bought a 40 h.p. J-2 Taylor Cub, and purchased a 1933 Chevy for fifty dollars; this teenager had wings and wheels. Great fun for a kid with little money, but big dreams and unlimited ambition.
Eight years as charter pilot, Flight Instructor, including seven years as an ATC Tower Operator, led to joining TWA in 1964. Connie F/E, Instructor and check Airman, transitioning into the F/O seat on the B-707. Qualifying as Captain o 707 in 1977, he finished his twenty-seven-year career, twenty on International, flying the last nine as F/O and Captain on the L-1011. Bob was always “giving back” to the public through many hours of “nearly free” flight instruction, volunteering with his Cessna 172 to environmental groups, EAA Young Eagles program, C.A.P. Search and rescue in L-19 Bird Dogs, and promoting aviation anyway he could, such as his presentation at Michigan’s Yankee Air Museum titled “I’m in LOVE with Connie.” This can be viewed on YouTube; enter Robert Trumpolt. An AOPA member since 1952, long time member of EAA. Presented FAA’s Master Pilot Award in 2014, a surprise final landing in another 1936 J-2 Taylor Cub finished his sixty-two- year aviation adventure.
December 14, 2023
We are currently having problems with updating our FLOWN WEST page. Please check back later for updates.
October 16, 2023
Hi Folks,
Denny Kennedy has been in close contact with Madeline Giberson, Paul’s widow, and reported that Paul passed away last Monday, October 9th. He has had problems with auto-immune issues, and has recently had serious dementia problems.
Paul lived one block away from us in Westlake Village from 1973 to 1988, when we then moved to Wood Ranch in Simi Valley. Paul and Madeline were the first to greet us and swim in our pool when we first arrived in June 1973, from Kansas City. We also owned a motor home together when the kids were young.
Paul’s service will be a week from this Friday, October 27, at 10 AM at the Westlake Village Methodist Church on the corner of Westlake BLVD and Hampshire Road. A reception will follow and directions we will be provide as to where at the service.
A good man who will be missed,
September 20, 2023
Good Morning John,
I regret to inform you that Captain Joe Hitzel passed away yesterday morning, September 18, after courageously battling esophageal cancer. He was at home in the arms of his loving wife. Arraignments are below, and in the link in the note from his family.
Terry Stacey
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Martin Funeral Home, Clinton, NJ
1761 Route 31
Clinton, New Jersey
Mass of Christian Burial
11:00 am
Friday, September 22, 2023
Church of St. Ann
32 Main Street
Hampton, New Jersey
Subject: Joe Hitzel
Hi all,
With heavy hearts we wanted to pass along the news that Joe is “flying west”, on the wings of angels. He is suffering no more, and had a wonderful, full life with his best girl by his side every step of the way! We will miss him every day…. It’s always so hard to say good-bye. Thank you for being part of his story!!
There will be a repass (~12:30pm on Friday 9/22) at the local Inn of Glen Gardner after the burial.
With love,
The Hitzel gang
September 15, 2023
In a message dated 9/14/2023 11:23:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, captrsmith@yahoo.com writes:
Andy was a great guy, and he had many friends. There may be limited parking by his house on Sat the 23rd. I would suggest parking at the High School on Artesia Bl and Uber over if necessary. His house is worth the visit. I know, I lived there for 20 years, Roger
August 24, 2023
We regret to inform you that Capt. Robert F. Kavula, Last President of the TWA Retired Pilots Association, had Flown West.
FYI: Funeral Services and Obit
I just got off the phone with Bob’s Wife- DALE, she said Bob passed away peace – at home this morning -Wednesday 8/23/23 – with their (3) Sons & Dale at his side!
I had sent her all the information on the TWA FLOWN WEST CHECKLIST& American contract for pilots passing contracts & MetLife #’s etc.
Please keep them in your prayers during this trying& busy time
- R. “Dusty & Lee” West
August 22, 2023
Received email informing us that Capt. Richard (“Dick”) Fishbaugh passed away last October 7, 2022. The following was included in the email:
In Remembrance of TWA Capt. Richard “Dick” Fishbaugh
Captain Herald Richard “Dick” Fishbaugh was born in Shenandoah, Iowa, on October 5, 1928, to Herald and Mildred Fishbaugh. He passed away two days after his 94th birthday on October 7, 2022. Dick grew up on a 240-acre farm five miles east of Shenandoah, attending a one-room schoolhouse until 1941. In high school, Dick participated in track, football, thespians, was the president of his 1946 graduating class, and obtained his private pilot’s license. He attended the University of Iowa, starting in the fall of 1946, lettering in cross-country track his sophomore year and graduating with a business degree in 1950.
Dick’s Air Force ROTC commitment took him into pilot training in the fall of 1950, where he graduated with his wings in the class of 52D in 1952. He served in the Korean War flying T-6s for the 6147th Tactical Air Control Group (Mosquitoes) as an airborne forward air controller, where he received a Distinguished Flying Cross. In a separate incident, he survived a dead-stick landing that tore the wings off his T-6 after enemy fire disabled his engine.
After his discharge from the Air Force, he was hired by TWA in 1955, living with fellow bachelor TWA pilots on Jarboe Street, just off the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri. Dick flew the Martin 202 and 404 and Lockheed Constellation as a first officer, before upgrading to captain and flying a few flights in the left seat on the 1649 Connie. He went on to fly the DC-9 and B727 on domestic routes and L1011 internationally, retiring in 1986.
Dick married Dixie Lee Lauer (TWA flight attendant 1957-1959) in 1959. In 1967, he and Dixie bought a 320-acre farm adjacent to his father’s farm. When he wasn’t flying, he worked on improving his Shenandoah farm/estate planting trees and landscaping the property. After retiring, he restored a Civil War cannon for the town of Traer, Iowa, enjoyed woodworking, and giving buggy and sleigh rides. He is survived by three children and two grandchildren.
JULY 23, 2023
Received email informing us that Capt. Bob Lommori passed away on December 19 2022.
JULY 17 2023
Email from Victoria Weitz, daughter of Capt. Fred Wesley Weitz.
“Hi John,
Wanted to forward the information from Victoria Weitz that her Father, Fred Wesley Weitz has flown West.
Wes WAS in the TWA new hire class of 20/07/64. The class fell in the slot of Connie Flight Engineers on that day.”

Celeberation of Life is scheduled July 30, 2023
June 19, 2023
In a message dated 6/18/2023 1:40:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, w3un@mac.com writes:
Sad news from Patti Scott…Her beloved husband and longtime member of our Ambassador’s, Kent Scott, passed away on June 2nd after a lengthy illness.
Services of the celebration of his life will be held on Saturday, July 1st at 10:00am in the chapel of:
North Creek Church
2303 Ygnacio Valley Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
If you would like to send cards of condolence, the address is:
Patti Scott
1521 Carlton Way
Brentwood, CA 9451
March 15, 2023 In a message dated 3/13/2023 9:33:46 AM Pacific Standard Time, joehitzel@comcast.net writes:
John, I am told by Floyd’s friend Jean that he passed away at Morristown hospital today as a result of a fall at home swat week.
Floyd was one of those that gave us new hires at Newark the basis of our love and respect for TWA, Joe
Thanks Joe
Airline pilot, Korean War veteran, former mayor of Delaware Twp.
Floyd L. Evans, Jr., age 92 years, of Pittstown, NJ, (Alexandria Township), died Monday, March 13, 2023, at Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown, NJ.
Born in Springfield, TN, January 10, 1931, son of the late Floyd L. Evans, Sr. and Josephine Etta Mae Evans, he had formerly resided in Whitestone, NY, Ridgewood, NJ, and Paramus, NJ, before moving to Locktown, NJ, in 1966.
He was a US Air Force veteran of the Korean War and after his honorable discharge from the Air Force was an airline pilot for TWA, flying primarily from JFK and LaGuardia airports, New York, until his retirement in 1992.
Active for many years in his community, he was a member of the Flemington Baptist Church; Darcy Lodge #37, F&AM of Flemington, NJ, VFW Post #8390 of Sergeantsville, NJ, where he was a former Post Commander and was a former member of the Hunterdon County Republican Committee. In addition, Floyd was a member of the Alexandria Township Republican Committee; a former Mayor and Police Commissioner of Delaware Township; former member of the Board of Directors of Hunterdon County YMCA; the Hunterdon County Open Space Committee; the Amwell Valley Hounds Hunt; the Delaware Valley Horseman’s Association and the Locktown Grange.
Floyd was pre-deceased by his son, F. Lee Evans III in 2022 and his grandson, Blake G. Steffens in 1998.
Surviving are his daughter, Denise Evans of Gaffney, SC; four grandchildren, Scott C. Steffens, Valentina H. Evans, Pasha R. Evans and Olena N. Evans; four great-grandchildren, Irena Chernobrivets, Adelina Chernobrivets, Christina Chernobrivets and Darina Chernobrivets; and his longtime companion Jean Mansur.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 11:00 AM in the Holcombe-Fisher Funeral Home, 147 Main Street, Flemington, NJ. Military honors and burial in Trinity Episcopal Church Cemetery, Solebury, PA will follow. Calling hours will be Saturday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM at the funeral home.
March 4, 2023 Captain Al Mundo has provided us with the following:
Subject: Captain Don Urbain
I regret to announce the death of retired Captain Don Urbain yesterday [Mar.3rd] following a year long illness. Don was a long time personal friend with whom I worked closely in many ALPA endeavors representing the TWA pilots. Most notably, Don was my irreplaceable partner in successfully transferring our old “B” Plan from Icahn’s control to being managed and overseen by the TWA pilots. Don was the major architect of the revised Plan language that enabled the transfer and for that alone he deserved the boundless credit of all TWA retirees. More than being an exceptionally talented individual, Don possessed an immutable sense of humor which added to the pleasure and privilege of simply knowing him.
Condolences may be sent to:
Mrs. Chris Urbain
PO Box 21342
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925 1342
Al Mundo
February 23, 2023
Obituary of James Vodra (cornellmemorial.com)
November 28, 2022
Emailed from Capt. John Duhig:
“Hi Folks,
We have lost a real legend. Dr Fred Goldstein, FAA physician and friend to so many of us, passed away peacefully yesterday after several years suffering the ravages of Alzheimers.
When I arrived in the Southern California area in June of 1973, TWA folks told me that DR Fred was the one. I quickly secured an appointment when my 6 months physical was due. When he entered the room where he was to meet and examine me for the very first time, he greeted me with the question, “Well, when did you stop beating your wife?” Hi signature gift, when performing the single finger dance, was to give us a silver coated penny. I knew from the start that his humor was amazing, and soon thereafter, realized that his professional skills matched. He saved many a career of airline pilots, and others. He became a good friend to me, as he did with all.
Fred’s travels through Alzheimers, was not as unpleasant for him as that awful trip is for some others. He just smiled a lot and was always friendly, even as he forgot who we were.
This is/was a wonderful man. We have missed him for some time now, and will continue to do so.
Out love and best wishes go out to Gerry and their extended family.
Via con Dios, my friend. Our pleasure was in knowing you,
John (and Sybil) Duhig”
October 10, 2022
I inform you with sadness that Capt. Frank Montemurro has flown west.
There will be a memorial service for him at Unity Church in Naples on Nov 7 at 2 PM. The address is:
Unity Church Davis Blvd.
2000 Unity Way
Anyone who has the email address of a TWAer who you think might be able and interested in attending, kindly pass this on to them.
Dick Nicklas Tel 239-481-8981 Call if you would like to ride with me from the Landings
_____Submitted via email by Dick Nicklas_____
September 29, 2022
And one more….
For anyone that can’t attend in person.
Bill’s memorial service on 10/3
Here is the link info.
Meeting ID: 816 3954 5959
Passcode: WilliamA
September 27, 2022
In a message dated 9/23/2022 7:38:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, edmadigan@charter.net writes:
“Celebration of Life” Monday 10/3, 4pm at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 1776 US Highway 50, Glenbrook, NV, 89413.
I want people to be comfortable.
So business casual.
Of course it also depends on weather and if there’s not enough seating inside.
We are going to set up a zoom link, just in case. (See above)
There will be small bites and drinks right after the service in the Hunter’s lodge, right next to the church.
Also there is an open house, at Yugen Cuisine
1132 Ski Run Blvd, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
On Sunday, October 2. 12-3 if anyone in the area wants to stop by and share a story.
August 27, 2022
For your planning purposes, a “Celebration of Life” for our good friend Bill Kirschner, will be held on October 3rd at 4PM
St John’s Episcopal Church in Glenbrook, NV. We will gather and share our stories as we remember this wonderful guy.
I will pass on any further information.
Ed Madigan
May 29, 2022
Wishing you all a safe and memorable MEMORIAL DAY. As I reflect on this Memorial Day Weekend, I was browsing past issues of the TWA TOPICS Magazine and ended up reviewing many of the articles from the past which triggered many memories from the past and reinforced my faith in mankind and life itself. I realized how fortunate I and my family were to have been a part of the TWA family for all these years. I would encourage anyone reading this to click on the home page and review the old issues of the TARPA TOPICS (link at the bottom of the home page). As you reflect on this Memorial Day in your own way, perhaps it would help you smile a bit as you revisit some of your favorite times, stories, and memories of you years with TWA and beyond.
I am doing my best to keep the website alive and the Directory and Flown West up to date. Please check in periodically for updates. Although our Association has dissolved it is certainly not deceased.
If you have any stories of interest to contribute, please send them to your webmaster for publishing on the website.
Enjoy your summer!
Capt. Bob Willcutts, Webmaster
January 4, 2022
Happy New Year to All.
Please check frequently for further updates. I am trying to get current status on the TWA TOPICS.
Capt. Bob Willcutts, Webmaster
December 3, 2021
Please note that the November Issue of the TWA TOPICS has been delayed in order to include as much information as possible from the Annual Convention and Board Meeting. We are hoping that you will receive your FINAL issue before Christmas. If you have not paid your dues for 2021, you will not be receiving the magazine. You may check you status in the DIRECTORY. If you are listed then you are paid up for 2021. If you are not listed, then your dues are in arrears and must be paid to receive the magazine. If there seems to be any problem, please contact Treasurer Ed Madigan.
Have a Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas!
Capt. Bob Willcutts, Webmaster
August 10, 2021 Please read the latest Presidents Message which will explain that the coming issue of the November 2021 TWA TOPICS will be the final issue of our fine magazine. Please drop Capt. Bill Kirshner a note, thanking him for his eight and a half years as TOPICS EDITOR. He and his “Team” have done a wonderful job and will certainly miss our TWA TOPICS. As time is flying by quickly, anyone who has a story, a quip, a joke, a cartoon, or any other info they might wish to publish in the final issue, be sure so send or email said material to Bill at topicsedit@icloud.com.
You should also check the latest info about the 2021 Grey Eagles Convention under the CONVENTIONS tab.
There are many of you who are deliquent members for 2021 and our Treasurer, Capt, Ed Madigan is still waiting for your 2021 Dues checks. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Stay safe and enjoy the remainder of the summer!
Capt. Bob Willcutts, Webmaster
January 2, 2021 HAPPY NEW YEAR! to all of those that have tuned in. Unfortunately, we have lost 37 of our Members in 2020. A total of 89 TWA Pilots have died last year. I am aware of only one COVID-19 death, so far. Our new Officers and Directors were elected or re-elected during October Board Meeting and terms are effective January 1, 2021. We are looking for someone willing to fill the 2nd VP/Secretary position as Bill Kirshner is serving currently as a temporary volunteer for that postion and continues as our fine TWA TOPICS editor. If you did not receive your copy of the November TWA TOPICS please contact Ed Madigan or Bill Kirshner.
Check your buddies, make sure they are OK in these tumultuous times. Many of our members are struggling with getting their affairs in order so their beneficiaries will not have to deal with mess. Check your FLOWN WEST Survivors Checklist and update as necessary.
Don’t forget, we do have a FORUM or Bulletin Board on the Website. Please check it out and feel free to leave messages or comments.
Webmaster, Capt. Bob Willcutts
September 15, 2020 (Ed. Note: Unfortunately, Tony succumbed on October 24, 2020.)
The following was received from Doug Annett and passed on FYI. Very sad news…..
Wanted to let you know that Tony Bullotta (ALPA’S Hotel Chairman and JFK based pilot) is suffering from pancreatic cancer. Although just recently diagnosed the progression has been rapid. I spoke with his wife yesterday and they have elected in-home hospice care.
Thought you may wish to pass the unfortunate news to our luncheon and check airmen group. I know that most all knew Tony and appreciated our International hotel accommodations which were the envy of our competition.
Will keep you updated.
Doug Annett
August 4, 2020 Do You Know who sends your monthly retirement benefit check to you or your bank?
You should know the answer to this question and have the information readily available to your executor, survivors, etc. I recently received an inquiry on this subject from the family of one of our Captains who had “cleaned out his stuff” and recently moved to a new residence. He wanted to change his “Bank” and he did not know who to contact to change his direct deposit information from his old bank to his new one. His old bank told him that after he “closed” his account with them, his information was no longer available. American Benefits had no information on his retirement payments as he retired in 1987. I am not sure if he checked his Income Tax Return information, i.e., 1099-R from the Pension Payor…still waiting on that information.
This sounds simple, but, what if: You had a fire and lost all your paper records at home? Where would you look for the information? Who would you contact?
So before you think this could not happen to you, think again. Answer the first question above. If you can’t, you have your homework cut out for you….GOOD LUCK!
Capt. Bob Willcutts
August 1, 2020 ‘FIRE OVER THE ATLANTIC: The Mystery of TWA Flight 800
Dear Mr. York,
I encountered your website today, www.tarpilots.com, in the course of doing research for a docuseries I’m co-producing for Fox Nation,
which is Fox News’ streaming channel: https://nation.foxnews.com
I wanted to notify you and the entire TWA Retired Pilots group that we are in production on a 3-part series on TWA Flight 800 for Fox Nation
which will air in late July. Entitled Fire Over the Atlantic: The Mystery of TWA Flight 800, we are telling the entire story of the crash, recovery, reconstruction, and investigation of the tragedy. I thought you might like to post this on your website for your members’ information. Jeffrey Erickson is one TWA employee whom we have interviewed, while we have archival interviews with other employees.
I do hope you will enjoy this series and do let me know if you have any questions about how to access Fox Nation.
Wishing you and your group best regards.
David Savage
Associate Producer
Fox News
Dear Grey Eagles Friends,
The Grey Eagles Executive Board met to discuss the Tucson 2020 convention. After a long and serious discussion, the Board reluctantly made the decision to ask Loews Ventana Canyon Resort for a postponement. This week Loews informed us that they are willing to agree to a postponement to the same week in 2021
As pilots, our profession requires us to constantly assess risk. The safety of our membership must be of utmost importance to all of us. We believe that the COVID-19 risk is real and unpredictable. We also believe that the risk will be greatly reduced by postponing our convention to 2021.
This is obviously a deep disappointment for your convention leadership but also a relief that we’re not planning a convention amid a pandemic. This is also a disappointment to our many members who were looking forward to being in Tucson this October. For those who have made travel reservations and other plans, I sincerely apologize for this disruption. On the positive side, we believe that attendance in 2021 should be significantly stronger with COVID-19 hopefully resolved.
We will be sending information on our new plans as soon as we are able. Your understanding and support are very much appreciated.
Be safe, be well.
Thank you,
Dave Pakiz, President 2020
The Grey Eagles
June 4, 2020 A reminder that if your DUES are not paid for 2020, you will be or have been dropped from the ONLINE DIRECTORY. If you have paid and do not see your name, then email the webmaster for a fix.
April 11, 2020 Happy Easter! We hope you are all well and exercising good “Distancing Practices”. I have complete the spring cleanup of our DIRECTORY and have updated the “dues paid membership”. Since many of you HAVE NOT sent in your 2020 dues, you will NOT find your name listed in the DIRECTORY. Anyone who did not remit their 2020 dues by March 31, 2020 will not find their name listed as you are considered a non-member.
April 2, 2020 Please check the CONVENTION page for the latest info on the Grey Eagles Convention in Tucson, AZ from October 31 thru November 4, 2020.
January 12, 2020 Are your membership dues up to date?
January 12, 2020 Please be advised that the TWASeniorsClub.org website has been shut down.
December 6, 2019 Please NOTE: We have updated the FORUM. You may access the FORUM using the FORUM menu item on the home page. If you need help just click on the HELP once your reach the new MyBB page. All messages and information on the old FORUM has been removed. Please review the HELP menu in the MyBB page. webmaster
September 22, 2019 Check out the photos of the 2019 Convention. Select GALLERY. Thanks to Dale Kavula and Cathy Harvey we have over 400 photos available from the Convention.
August 29, 2019 The Convention information has been updated including revised Schedule of Events.
July 20, 2019 Interesting story about the Flight/Data Recorder sent to us by Jeff Hill, Jr.: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-49012771
May 10, 2019 TWA TOPICS has been mailed today! Look for your issue in the next week or two.
April 27, 2019 Note! Please refresh your screen (F5) to get the latest DIRECTORY PDF file.
The Member’s Directory has been updated as of today based on the TWA TOPICS mailing list for May 2019. If you download or print out the PDF copy using the link at the bottom of the Directory page, you will see only members who are current with their dues after 2017. Some of you are not current for 2019 so you may or may not receive the 2019 MAY TOPICS. If you are not paid up through 2019, please submit your dues to our Treasurer, Ed Madigan, ASAP.
April 6, 2019
Since most, if not all, surviving TWA Flight Crew Members have a minimum of $20,000 Term Life Insurance Policy administered by METLIFE Life Insurance Company, I thought it appropriate to provide some guidance regarding how this benefit is paid to designated beneficiaries. After notifying American Airlines Benefits of a member’s death, the beneficiaries will receive a form from METLIFE with which to file a claim and make an election of how the benefit will be paid. The current default for disbursing the benefit is a TOTAL CONTROL ACCOUNT which is set up by METLIFE. They deposit an initial amount of $5,000 into the account immediately upon which the beneficiary can draft checks for a minimum of $250 per check up to the maximum balance. The entire $20,000 benefit is available for withdrawal at all times. METLIFE has claimed that this TCA is beneficial to the beneficiary in that the TCA will earn a guaranteed rate of interest on the balance which is set at the time the account is opened. It is NOT a savings, or checking account but a convenient method of disbursement.
There are many varied opinions on this TCA and there are ongoing lawsuits against METLIFE for setting these accounts up as opposed to making full payment of benefit to the beneficiary as stated in the contract.
Here is a brochure published by METLIFE in 2010 but no longer available online. This explains the program. Click Here
Here is link to another informational source. Click Here
March 5, 2019
For those members who have recently succesfuly logged in, WELCOME BACK. We hope your log in experience was not difficult. For those who have tried to log in, but were unsuccessful, please read the DIRECTORY INSTRUCTIONS and a couple of posts about logging in (scroll down to earlier dates). If you do have problems, please email your webmaster for help and leave a valid phone number along with the “best time” to call you. Please, do not be shy about this. Sometimes it is a matter of updating your email address. Our database has email addresses that were entered several years ago and are no longer valid. Normally, the member is the only one who can update his profile including email info, however, for older address changes, the webmaster will have to change the data.
Many members have allowed their dues to lapse and may no longer have access to the DIRECTORY. If in doubt, look at your mailing label on your last issue of TWA TOPICS and if it reads 2018, your 2019 dues were due on January 1, 2019. Please remit to our Treasurer, Capt. Ed Madigan.
Enjoy and stay healthy.
Bob Willcutts, Webmaster.
Feb 14, 2019
TWA HOTEL now taking reservations!
The New TWA Hotel at JFK is now taking reservations online. Please check the CONVENTIONS menu for the latest information on our 2019 Convention on September 1-3, 2019.
The Downing of TWA 800 – The Facts and the Lies
Coming soon but reserve your seat now because space is very limited. The show is FREE but definitely LIMITED to the first 100 people who call for reservations.
Presented in conjunction with the Speaker Series at the Flight Path Museum at LAX, located at:
6661 W Imperial Hwy, Los Angeles, CA 90045
This presentation will embark on a critical examination of the crash of TWA 800 in July of 1996. It will examine the unprecedented takeover of the accident investigation from the NTSB by the FBI and the CIA. It is presented by retired TWA 747 Captain Al Francis. At the time of the crash Captain Francis was the Captain Representative and Council Chairman for Council #024 – Air Line Pilots Association, and in that capacity represented all the pilots flying international routes for the company. Because of that position, he has intimate knowledge of the aircraft and the tragic events which caused the death of all 230 people on board the doomed aircraft. Captain Francis currently serves as a Commissioner on the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission.
One day only March 12, 2019 at 10:30 am by advance reservation only.
For Reservations Call Randy Ginsberg 213 787 6112 or email rgins@earthlink.net
This presentation has been seen by thousands in corporate meetings, college auditoriums and other venues on the East Coast, but this is the first time it’s been available for those of us in the West. Don’t miss out, call now for your reservation.
TWA Hotel will start taking Reservations on February 14, 2019.
Click here for their Website: TWA Hotel
TWA Hotel Update for 2019 Convention
The TWA Hotel at JFK is progressing nicely and is still on track to open in May of 2019. Reservations for the TWA Retired Pilots Association Convention, beginning September 1, should be open in mid-February 2019. The hotel will provide a weblink and a toll free number for reservations. It should be easy for you to confirm our special room rates for the Convention. An email will be sent to all that have shown interest in attending. Also, check back here to an update in mid-February. Any questions, you can contact our meeting planner, Vicki McGowen, 775-722-2811 or email vickimcgowen@gmail.com
Are your membership dues up to date?
When IFR Changed In A New York Minute
On the slushy morning of Dec. 16, 1960, six residents of the Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, suffered the irreversible consequences of turbines overtaking the propeller age, when one of the first jetliners, a United DC-8, collided with a piston TWA Super Connie over Staten Island, eight miles away. In total, 134 lives were destroyed, including those six on the ground who may have thought they had nothing to do with aviation. For the millions who survived and our descendants who fly today in the safest transportation system available, much changed, even if few are aware.
I was a kid in northern New Jersey in 1960 when I saw the EXTRA front page photo. Black and white devastation resembling the London Blitz 20 years earlier, except for the lone United empennage poking from the brownstone rubble. No YouTube video can speak like a well-composed photo. Give me Robert Capa Tri-X over an iPhone, stop-your-damn-panning shot any day. The photographer caught the horror one “Short Eight” wrought on a Brooklyn neighborhood, and I swore I’d never step inside an airplane. But, if I did—back-pedaling almost immediately—I’d take the last seat in the tail, because that’s what survived. I didn’t know that there was one survivor, although he wouldn’t survive long. Stephen Baltz was 11, and his story haunted me so that years ago I wrote a novel, Muzzy, that pivoted around this midair.
Muzzy means indistinct or blurred and encapsulates how life—including aviation life—can be altered when the best laid plans of pilots and air traffic controllers go to pieces in a blur of undetected mistakes. This blog limits telling the entire story, but it comes down to two airliners, flying IFR in typical winter weather, meeting a mile above Staten Island in what was both preventable and possibly inevitable.
United was en route from Chicago to New York International Airport (then Idlewild, now JFK). TWA was headed to LaGuardia from Columbus, Ohio. They met when United overshot a holding fix and clipped TWA inbound for the LaGuardia ILS. The DC-8’s right, outboard engine tore open the Connie’s cabin roof like an ice cream scoop through soft vanilla, scattering debris around Miller Field on Staten Island. End of all those stories.
United continued toward Idlewild, struggling with the literal loss of the number-four engine, embedded in the TWA wreckage. The United crew likely did everything possible to save the aircraft, but as systems failed, they lost control, and the promises of the jet age plowed into the ironically named Pillar Of Fire church in Park Slope, inside of which a maintenance man was napping. He was one of the six on the ground killed by the least expected visitation in this week before the holiday season. And New Yorkers adore the holidays.
The funny thing about fatal airplane accidents is there’s nothing funny. They’re brutal, chaotic and unplanned. Post-accident investigations, by contrast, are methodical and usually thorough. When researching the novel, with the help of NTSB’s Scott Dunham (now retired), we accessed the 60-year-old accident reports, which are colorless but paint a sobering image, especially to former controllers and pilots (Scott and I).
A brief sketch: United had been in radar contact with Center when cleared direct to Preston intersection and told to hold. Radar service was terminated—a common occurrence since coverage was far from universal—then, United was switched to approach control as it motored off-airway in search of Preston. Preston was defined by two radials from two VORs (Colts Neck and Solberg), back then called Omnis. Think 1960, long before GPS. To identify Preston, the crew ideally would have utilized two VOR receivers tuned to the separate but identifiable cross-radials. As needles centered the DC-8 should’ve entered the hold at 5000 feet to await a clearance beyond the fix. Routine. Just like today, or at least how we train today for the unlikely VOR-radial holds sans RNAV that were standard fare back then.
United, not in radar contact, called Idlewild approach and reported, “approaching Preston,” the holding fix. In truth, they’d already passed it. TWA, in radar contact with a LaGuardia approach controller, was being vectored for the localizer and warned of unknown-altitude, converging traffic. TWA’s approach controller had no idea it was a United DC-8, because ATC radar lacked sophisticated tracking data or handoff capability. TWA was likely in the clouds without any chance of seeing the wayward DC-8, doing 301 knots and intercepting them at the same altitude. TWA was doing 160 knots. Fate doesn’t need to be a hunter to do the math.
United was lost and cruising at high speed while the crew was preoccupied identifying Preston intersection by using one VOR receiver. The other receiver was INOP, and the crew had not informed ATC; weren’t required to back then. We are now.
I once shot a solo localizer approach into Teterboro, New Jersey airport (TEB) in my 1951 Bonanza with a 1951 panel in IMC, using a single VOR receiver and no RNAV. Mildly challenging, but I had radar service to put me on the localizer and call the f approach fix. United’s crew had one VOR, no ATC radar help and little positional awareness.
Today’s airlines are packed with navigational aids unimagined when United hit TWA. Rules have changed, as they always do after a disaster. Maximum speed (in most cases) is now 250 knots below 10,000 feet. Going direct isn’t usually permitted without radar monitoring, and only fools fly IFR with one stinkin’ VOR receiver for sole navigation. ATC has radar around the busier airports, and pilots have GPS plus ADS-B Out, In and Sideways or soon will. Safety has improved, although as the recent Lion Air accident reminds us, the best laid plans of engineers and planners sometimes amount to naught.
Meanwhile, Happy Holidays to us one and all who refuse to stay out of the sky, because it’s still the most amazing leap for humans who are only vaguely aware of how anything works.
Auto repair shops will go away.
A gasoline engine has 20,000 individual parts. An electrical motor has 20. Electric cars are sold with lifetime guarantees and are only repaired by dealers. It takes only 10 minutes to remove and replace an electric motor. Faulty electric motors are not repaired in the dealership but are sent to a regional repair shop that repairs them with robots. Your electric motor malfunction light goes on, so you drive up to what looks like a Jiffy-auto wash, and your car is towed through while you have a cup of coffee and out comes your car with a new electric motor!
Gas stations will go away. Parking meters will be replaced by meters that dispense electricity. Companies will install electrical recharging stations; in fact, they’ve already started. You can find them at select Dunkin Donuts locations.
Most (the smart) major auto manufacturers have already de signated money to start building new plants that only build electric cars.
Coal industries will go away. Gasoline/oil companies will go away. Drilling for oil will stop. So say goodbye to OPEC!
Homes will produce and store more electrical energy during the day than they use and will sell it back to the grid. The grid stores it and dispenses it to industries that are high electricity users. Has anybody seen the Tesla roof?
A baby of today will only see personal cars in museums..
The FUTURE is approaching faster than most of us can handle.
In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of all photo paper worldwide. Within just a few years, their business model disappeared and they went bankrupt. Who would have thought of that ever happening?
What happened to Kodak will happen in a lot of industries in the next 5-10 years and, most people don ‘t see it coming.
Did you think in 1998 that 3 years later, you would never take pictures on film again? With today’s smart phones, who even has a camera these days?
Yet digital cameras were invented in 1975. The first ones only had 10,000 pixels, but followed Moore’s law. So as with all exponential technologies, it was a disappointment for a time, before it became way superior and became mainstream in only a few short years. It will now happen again (but much faster) with Artificial Intelligence, health, autonomous and electric cars, education, 3D printing, agriculture and jobs.
Forget the book, “Future Shock”, welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Software has disrupted and will continue to disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years.
UBER is just a software tool, they don’t own any cars, and are now the biggest taxi company in the world!
Ask any taxi driver if they saw that coming.
Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don’t own any properties.
Ask Hilton Hotels if they saw that coming.
Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world.
This year, a computer beat the best Go-player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected.
In the USA, young lawyers already don’t get jobs. Because of IBM’s Watson, you can get legal advice (so far for right now, the basic stuff) within seconds, with 90% accuracy compared with 70% accuracy when done by humans. So, if you study law, stop immediately. There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future, (what a thought!) only omniscient specialists will remain.
Watson already helps nurses diagnosing cancer, its 4 times more accurate than human nurses.
Facebook now has a pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans. In 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.
Autonomous cars: In 2018 the first self-driving cars are already here. In the next 2 years, the entire industry will start to be disrupted. You won’t want to own a car anymore as you will call a car with your phone, it will show up at your location and drive you to your destination. You will not need to park it you will only pay for the driven distance and you can be productive while driving. The very young children of today will never get a driver’s license and will never own a car.
This will change our cities, because we will need 90-95% fewer cars. We can transform former parking spaces into parks.
1.2 million people die each year in car accidents worldwide including distracted or drunk driving. We now have one accident every 60,000 miles; with autonomous driving that will drop to 1 accident in 6 million miles. That will save a million lives plus worldwide each year..
Most traditional car companies will doubtless become bankrupt. Traditional car companies will try the evolutionary approach and just build a better car, while tech companies (Tesla, Apple, Google) will do the revolutionary approach and build a computer on wheels.
Look at what Volvo is doing right now; no more internal combustions engines in their vehicles starting this year with the 2019 models, using all electric or hybrid only, with the intent of phasing out hybrid models.
Many engineers from Volkswagen and Audi; are completely terrified of Tesla and so they should be. Look at all the companies offering all electric vehicles. That was unheard of, only a few years ago.
Insurance companies will have massive trouble because, without accidents, the costs will become cheaper. Their car insurance business model will disappear.
Real estate will change. Because if you can work while you commute, people will move farther away to live in a more beautiful or affordable neighborhood.
Electric cars will become mainstream about 2030. Cities will be less noisy because all new cars will run on electricity.
Cities will have much cleaner air as well. (Can we start in Los Angeles, please?)
Electricity will become incredibly cheap and clean.
Solar production has been on an exponential curve for 30 years, but you can now see the burgeoning impact.
And it’s just getting ramped up.
Fossil energy companies are desperately trying to limit access to the grid to prevent competition from home solar installations, but that simply cannot continue – technology will take care of that strategy.
Health: The Tricorder X price will be announced this year. There are companies who will build a medical device (called the “Tricorder” from Star Trek) that works with your phone, which takes your retina scan, your blood sample and you breath into it. It then analyses 54 bio-markers that will identify nearly any Disease. There are dozens of phone apps out there right now for health purposes.
WELCOME TO TOMORROW – it actually arrived a few years ago.
From Capt. John Duhig
Hi Guys,
Everyone on my list gets these e-mails. I realize that many of you are in far distant ports and will not attend. I just want all to get the info, and there is no way on earth I could properly separate the list. 🙂
We are over the minimum guarantee of 75, so things look good, as a minimum. That does not mean we stop. Please consider joining us and let them know now you are coming. They need to give a count in a few days. The restaurant always plans for several over and above. Billy, call em and register!!!
Gonna be great.!
You will get further updates as more reservations arrive
Gene and Gail York are offering TWA Final Departure wine glasses for a raffle. Thanks, Guys. I purchased 4 of them years ago, and they are beautiful. No, you can’t have mine. LOL
Steve Leonard has some beautiful TWA flyers for sale. Ask him about those.
See you in a little over a week,
December has come so quickly this year and we are about to close out 2018. You should have received your November 2018 issue of TWA TOPICS by now and you will find it a very interesting issue. Thanks to our Editor, Capt. Bill Kirschner and the many contributors. Please note the yellow envelope in the magazine which is for mailing your 2019 dues. Your annual dues are payable by January 1, 2019. Here is an excerpt from the By-Laws:
1. Annual dues for REGULAR members shall be $50.00 per calendar year except that annual dues for EAGLES and SUBSCRIBERS shall be $40.00. New members joining prior to September shall pay full dues. New members joining September and later shall be credited for the following year. (2007)
2. Any member or “Subscriber” who is three calendar months in arrears on his dues shall, after notification by the Secretary and/or Treasurer, have his membership in the “Association” terminated. (1986)(2015)”
Just received word that the November TWA TOPICS has been sent to the Printer. Included in the magazine is new information regarding our next Annual Convention. You will find a link under CONVENTIONS for the 2019 Annual Convention. Be sure to check this out!
The TRAVEL GUIDE link contains updated info and clarification of the use of D1 Vacation Passes. Click on the photo of the aircraft at bottom right corner of page.
On behalf of The Association Staff and myself, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving –Capt. Bob Willcutts
Just finished watching “Oceans 8” with Sandra Bullock. There is a few scenes during the first few minutes of the film which were filmed in the NEW TWA Terminal. Really looks nice!
Minutes of the September 19, 2018 Board Meeting Conference call has been posted under “BOD Meeting Minutes”
For those who are going on the 2018 Convention/Cruise, I have posted the “Schedule of All Events 2018” under the 2018 Caribbean Cruise menu.
The Embassy Suites has a complimentary airport shuttle 24/7. The shuttle departs the hotel every 30 minutes on the hour and half hour. For pick-up our guests should go to the 2nd floor Departure Level and look for the designated Hotel Shuttle Pick-up sign. Look for a white van with the Embassy Suites logo. It’s not necessary to call the hotel but just in case the phone numbers (305)-634-5000.
For return flights we recommend that guest do not book anything earlier than 11:00AM.
We have just received word that the new TWA HOTEL at JFK is now taking bookings.
Fran Diano, President of TWA Seniors Club has booked the weekend 15, 16, 17th of October 2019 for the TWA SeniorsClub.org AGM and Convention. She has locked in room rates of $225.00 per room per night for all rooms. The room rate will apply for 3 days prior and 3 days post convention.Check the TWA Seniors. Org website for more details. All the information will be in the next Skyliner. If you’ve been getting a Skyliner you are a Seniors member and your dues date is on the address label. They’re holding up publishing until they can lock in the room rates for the next issue which will be coming out shortly. She is working on meeting rooms and the banquet rooms. Please send her your interest and room night requirements.
Finally I can tell you we have the dates for our AGM and Convention at the TWA Hotel at JFK in 2019. I just got off the phone a few minutes ago and have confirmed the dates will be October 15, 16 and 17,with a room rate of $ 225.00 per room, per night for all room types. The rate will apply for 3 days pre and 3 days post convention. The hotel reservation system is not up and running yet, so watch the January Skyliner for instructions on making your individual room reservations and for your registration form.Please send me your groups requirements as far as expected room night need, meeting space for each group and also if you need to have any type of dinner for your individual club.I am available by phone at 702 234 5145 or email TWAFran48@yahoo.comI look forward to working with all of you to make this a memorable convention.Best regards,Fran
Stay tuned and check our websites. https://www.twahotel.com/meetings-events https://www.twaseniorsclub.org
After several months of experience with our new website, I have revised the DIRECTORY INSTRUCTIONS page. It should be easier to follow and I hope it will prevent you frustration at LogIn for the first time and problems with changing your password. I believe if you follow the steps carefully and read carefully, you should be able to log in without problems.
Remember: For Intial Log In you must use the email address that you had on record with the old website. The ‘username” must be that email. Your Password must be your old PASSPHRASE used on the old website. (example: “averageredcat” case sensitive.)
If you still have problems be sure to email me with a valid current email address.
As you may know the MAY 2018 TWA TOPICS was mailed and should arrive in your mailbox soon. If you don’t receive your issue, please check to see if your dues are current for 2018. Many members or former members are trying to log into our website but fail as they have not paid their dues for several years or have forgotten their required log in info. Your email address is REQUIRED as your Username. Your password should be your previous passphrase in the old system. If you do not remember that, just click on FORGOT PASSWORD and follow the instructions. Contact Webmaster at webmaster@tarpa.com if you have difficulty.
Spring is officially here, however………it is still blowing and snowing as I type.
Our On-Line Directory has been updated and reflects our current 2018 membership. Remember, if your dues have not been paid for 2018 you may not appear in nor have access to the DIRECTORY. Check you status for 2018. The May issue of TWA TOPICS is coming together quickly and if you have any article, stories, photos, etc. to share, please send them to your Editor, Bill Kirschner as soon as possible. If you have problems with logging in to the website, please read the Log In instructions first then after failure, email the Webmaster, Bob Willcutts
We hope you enjoyed the TWA TOPICS for November. Our Editor, Bill Kirschner , continues his hard work which allows all of us to enjoy some great stories and current happenings with many of our colleagues. Please note that the FLOWN WEST SURVIVORS checklist was updated and you can view and download from the MEMBERS menu item at the top of home page.
We wish to remind you, again, 2018 Dues are past due. Please remit if you wish to remain an active member and access the DIRECTORY.
The 2017 Convention Photos are available under the GALLERY.
12/15/2017 ANNUAL DUES are DUE on January 1st.
Just a reminder to be sure to send in your 2018 dues. Check you November 2017 issue of TWA Topics
and find the yellow pre-addressed envelope. Send your dues to Ed Madigan, Treasurer.
PO BOX 3565
If you are having trouble logging in to the website please note that your USERNAME will be your EMAIL ADDRESS that you had on file
on the old site. Your new PASSWORD will be your old PASSPHRASE. Once you successfully log in your will be taken to your
PROFILE page and you can update everything except the USERNAME. After reaching the home page, look for the DIRECTORY icon
near the upper left of the screen (in black area). Also, to log out, look for the log out menu, and the edit my profile menu in the upper right
of your screen.
Capt. Bob Willcutts, Webmaster
The 2017 Convention in San Diego was a success. Photos will be published in the TWA TOPICS and online when received.
Now we are looking ahead to the 2018 Caribbean Cruise Dec 1 thru 8, 2018. Check this website for the latest information.
Capt. Bob Willcuts, Webmaster
It has been a few months in the making but we are finally up and running at our new Host Server as of October 20, 2017.
Please take some time to browse the menu items by hovering over labels. If there are sub menus such as in MEMBER, they will fly out for selection.
Please review the DIRECTORY INSTRUCTIONS before attempting to log in to the DIRECTORY.
We expect few problems and if you do have problems, read the instructions again and read any other “help” items that may appear. Sometimes refreshing your screen (F5) will solve some issues.
Capt. Bob Willcuts, Webmaster